Nina Ripich is a multi media artist currently based in Los Angeles, CA.
"As a passionate photographer, sketchbook keeper, poet, and dreamer, I strive for a life fueled by the arts. Inspired by travel, everyday life, music, and the human condition- I range from working with musicians to corporations. My work is nourished by many different roots- mediums that I have worked with from adolescence and have a deep understanding and passion for- drawing, photography, weaving, paper-making, painting, and videography. My nights spent in the darkroom alone have been just as fruitful as days sending photoshopped files to clients. Every exploration has informed my practice. As Julia Cameron once wrote, "Leap and the net will appear", I take leaps of faith in all aspects of my life and work, trusting my intuition and training to guide me... (as well as sparks of inspiration from Nat Geo articles on where to travel to next.)
I spent a powerful five years at the Rhode Island School of Design, where my gardens were watered and my boundaries pushed. From it came an outlook on life: Life is a novel waiting to be written. It is no competition, it's about carving our path that was always meant for us and us alone- no matter how winding and laborious that journey may be.
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."
Go Forth.

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